Life Time Grand Prix FAQs
Q: Are the categories only 20 deep? Meaning only 20 pro men, and 20 pro women?
A: Yes, 20 men and 20 women will be selected and be eligible to compete for the overall prize purse.
Q:Will there be any prizes for amateur categories or an amateur series component?
A: No, not at this time.
Q: What if another rider signs up for every race and finishes ahead of the selected 20?
A: In order to be eligible for the series points and prize purse, riders must be part of the selected pool. Other riders are welcome to compete in any and all events but will not be scored as part of the Life Time Grand Prix.
Q: How deep does the prize list go?
A: $250,000 USD split equally between men and women, 10 deep. See our “Scoring” page for prize purse breakdown.
Q: Are riders still eligible for prize money given away at individual events?
A: Yes! For the events which have a payout, Life Time Grand Prix riders are still eligible to receive those prizes.
Q: What are the details on the application and selection process?
A: Interested riders can apply online at lifetimegrandprix.com. Riders will be selected based on a range of criteria including, but not limited to, their race resume and past race performances, their interest in becoming a part of the Life Time Grand Prix, and how the rider is helping to grow cycling in the U.S. through their activities.
Q: What’s the scoring/points process?
A: Prizes will be awarded up to 20th place, based on a points system. At the conclusion of the Life Time Grand Prix, riders’ five best finishes from the six possible events will be tallied. Cumulative points will be posted following the conclusion of each event in the Life Time Grand Prix.
Q: Are there any mandatory events
A: Yes, the final event in the series – Big Sugar Gravel, is mandatory.
Q: What happens in the case of a tie?
A: In the event of a tie, the final event in the series will serve as the tie breaker.
Q: Is there testing for controlled, performance enhancing and banned substances?
A: Yes, we are working directly with USADA to test the pool of 40 athletes. Athletes will be subject to testing at these events.
Q: Do selected athletes still have to pay entry fees?
A: Yes, selected athletes are guaranteed entries into all 6 events, but they will be required to pay normal entry fees for each event in order to participate.
Q: Is this application process open to international riders or just domestic riders?
A: International riders can apply, but they will need to show proof of travel documentation in order to be selected.